Friday, 12 June 2009

Mein Projekt

Habe gerade die Informationen über mein Community Service Projekt bekommen!

Es geht um secondary education: professional, agricultural for youths and children

Was ich als Volunteer dort zu tun habe:


"He/She will deal with agriculture, art & culture, education, environment, rural development, animals and handicapped people. He/She will be working where there is a need.

Assistant to the English teacher: Help giving language classes especially as assistant to the English teachers.
Assistant during special agricultural activities: Helping to care for the animals and with special agricultural tasks.
Support the activities of the institution: Collaborate during special activities and celebrations organized by the institution.
Helping handicapped students: Be around to support the students who are physically handicapped.

Specific skills:
The volunteer should like the work with young people and teaching them. He/She should also like to work with animals, plants and handicapped persons.

The volunteer will grow in his personal strengths as a human and get to know a new culture. He/She will be able to learn Spanish and be part of a different educational system. He/She will learn to work with youths and be close to the nature."

Tja, soviel zu meiner Jobbeschreibung.

Zusätzliche Infos waren noch: es gibt dort 32 MitarbeiterInnen (alle mit High School oder Uni Abschluss), the population is semi rural and communication services are good (--> denke mal, das bedeutet easy internet access ;-)

Sieht also so aus, als ob ich doch nicht so viel mit Tieren zu tun haben werde, eher mit kids/youths, die Englisch und was über Flora & Fauna lernen. Aber hey, die tun das nicht nur in theory, schließlich ist der Regenwald ja nearby...


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